Sunday, 5 April 2015

Forever 21 // Denim Shirt Dress

Hii Everyone!! As I promised, I have another fashion post for you guys and today I will be talking to you about the gorgeous shirt dress which I found on the Forever 21 website. 

I am soo happy that we are in April now because that obviously means that summer and warm positive weather is on it's way. This is why I felt the need to start looking round for some summery clothes and to my luck came across this! Honestly I love, love this Slub Knit T-Shirt Dress! It is so simple yet fashionable and the style of it is really trending in the fashion world at the moment. I also really like the little pocket design on the side that gives the dress a more casual look.

This dress is so flexible and versatile that it can be dressed in so many ways. For example, I could rock it plain and casual with a pair of white converse or low airforces and a long strap bag or go more dressy and wear it with a black waist belt, necklace, clutch bag and sandals or even heels!

Other ideas are wearing it with black legings or you could just not bother with any major accessorizing and rock it plain as it is!

Here it what it looks like from the side and back:


Gorgeous right?!

If you would like to see more shirt dress ideas, my friends Karolyne owner of the blog ThatGirlK has a whole blog post on Shirtdress so make sure to check it out for more ideas and styles!

Here are some other styles that I also like: 


I found that the plain white ones and the denim ones are the most popular this spring but I think they are both really nice. 

Finally, this dress is only £12! Seriously £12!! I think that is a great price for this cute dress and I am definitely looking to purchase it soon. When I get round to the store and buy it, I'll probably do an OOTD on it so you guys can see what it looks like! Here's the link to the Forever 21 website for this dress

That's the end of this post guys, I hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to leave me a comment down below of what you think and how you would dress a shirt dress. I love reading you guys' comments!! Thanks for reading, 
Abbie x


  1. image

    These are perfect for summer! Need to go shopping now! X

    Birthday celebrations outfit inspiration over at-

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Yea, I know right! And me too! Thanks for the link, I'll check it out!! xxx

  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hey, love your blog! Just wondering if you could follow me back? That would be really helpful, thankyou x

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thank you so much and sure, why not?! xxx

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    I honestly love those dresses so much!!
    Peace xo
    (P.s. my real name is a secret for now haha xxx)

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Me too!! And alright that's fine, I'm definitely gonna find out soon tho! hahahaa xx


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