Monday, 19 January 2015

My DIY Shea Butter & Castor Oil Mix


Hello my beauties!! So I hope that you have all being enjoying my recent DIY posts and I will definitely be posting a lot more stuff since I already have a lot of ideas in mind! So today I am back into my natural hair posts and I will be sharing with you guys my Shea Butter & Castor Oil Mix Recipe.
Currently, I am in protective style for the winter (box braids) and I have had them in for 1 month and 3 weeks I believe. They are certainly getting old and I have had a lot of new growth (about 1/2 - 1 inches) so I say its time they came out and my hair had a good break and some TLC! Then I realized that my moisturizing mixture was pretty much done so I went out to get some stuff and I figured, why not I share with you all how I make it!>>

All of the pictures above are part of the ingredients for my mixture. The shea butter I used is a different version to the one in the picture but as long as you have a good quality 100% natural shea butter (preferably unrefined) then that's good enough. I also add a little bit of glycerine and you can alternate the oils you use.

Step 1: Heat up your shea butter until you have a liquidy consistency. I personally place the shea butter container inside a bowl of hot boiling water and let it sit for about 10mins.
Step 2: Next pour about half of your shea butter into your container. Now add in your castor oil, almond oil and a little bit of glycerine. Mix all these together with maybe the end of a spoon. Now get yourself a pin or toothpick, pop the vitamin e capsules and squeeze the oil from about 20-30 of them. (Keeping in mind that this process takes forever so you might want to use less vitamin e capsules or simply cut it out altogether). 
Finally, place your coconut oil into the water or microwave and an let it turn to a liquid. Add as much of this as you want aswell.
Step 3: Now that your mixture is complete, make sure to mix everything together throughly and as the shea butter starts to get cold, it will solidify so when you see it doing this mix again to make sure you have a clump-free, smooth creamy mix!

How to use:
I use this mixture right after applying my African Pride Shea Butter Leave in Conitioner to detangle, then apply this to my hair strands (especially ends). I smooth it through then go over with a comb to fully detangle or finger detangle. See here for Moisturizing&Sealing Natural Hair 
Since my hair is low porosity, it retains moisture very well so I don't have to re-moisturize for atleast a week or so. I also sometimes do the baggying method but click here for more detail on Moisturzing Low Porosity Hair.
*By the way this mixture is mainly for people with natural hair so like curly and kinky coily hairtypes*.

So I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I will be doing another hair related post soon since I recently went to buy a new deep conditioner so I will be reviewing that for you guys once I actually get the chance to try it out.

Thanks a bunch guys xxxx


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