Saturday, 28 March 2015

Healthier Lifestyle // Tropical Fruit Smoothie


Hi guys! So you may not have known but one of my New Years Resolutions was to begin a healthier liifestyle including healthier eating and exercise. I made a blog post on it in the beginning of February saying how I was gonna have a fresh start and so on which you can read up right here. Up until last week Saturday, I had made no attempt into even trying to swop the chocolate for a banana but congratulations to me, I made a fruit smoothie!!

Yes, I know it's not a big deal but I am so happy that I have started putting some work into my New Years Resolution. I promised myself to make sure to drink it everyday without fail so that I can get my 5aday to start of with. 

So last week Thursday, I went off to my local grocery store (Tesco) and picked up some fruit and veg.

 At Tesco,I bought a pineapple for £1 which I was so pleased with because it was ridiculously juicy and sweet. I also picked up this Ready to Eat Pineapple, Melon, Strawberry and Grapes cup for £1.79 which was a great idea meaning that I didn't need to buy all those fruits individually. I also bought a pack of plums for 79p and there was about 8 inside. They were really ripe and tasted pretty good. Finally, I got some sweet and crunch salad for £1. I just wanted to be a little spontaneous with the salad lol.

How I made it:
Since my mum had already cut up the pineapple before I got home from school, I simply cut the big chunks in half and put them in the blender. I then poured the Ready to Eat Cup staright inside aswell. Then I cut around the plums (4-5 of them) and binned the seeds and put it in the blender. Finally I added a little bit of the salad inside and poured a cup of water in (around 500ml). 
I blended for about 15-20 secs.
 And done! A delicious, sweet, healthy tropical fruit smoothie!!
I'm actually really proud of myself for taking this first step into my healthier lifestyle and I have actually been drinking it everyday and I am looking to make another one once this batch is finished. I am going to try a different mixture of fruits, I am thinking something more like mango, banana and strawberry for a thicker, creamier textured smoothie!!

That's all for today, I hope you enjoyed this post. Please comment below what you think and if you have any good fruit combination smoothies in mind or tips on keeping a healthier lifestyle!

Be sure to check out and drop some comments on some of my other posts! 

Thanks for reading,

Abbie x


  1. image

    This sounds lovely, I want to eat healthier so will have to make this!

    Tayla |

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      It tasted lovely also! And yea, when you eat healthy it actually makes you feel better and proud of yourself ahaha. Thanks for stopping by xx

  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    I've been working out quite a bit recently but haven't thought about eating healthier so this is like perfect timing! Great post by the way :)

    Karolyne |

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Ahh great! Working out is actually what I'm actually going to be focusing on next! I'm glad you like it and thanks girl!! xxxx


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