Wednesday, 25 March 2015

5 Ways To Make Money As A Teenager!!


Hello Everyone!! So if you’re a teenager like myself, you can probably relate to the feeling of wanting to make your own money even though you aren’t yet allowed to have a proper job. It can be really frustrating when you really want that super cute dress or those new nike trainers but you just don’t have the money for it. You could easily ask your parents but there’s always that 50% chance that they might say no especially if it’s not something you don't necessarily need or they think it’s not worth it. Why have to worry about that when you could just gather up some of your savings money and get whatever it is you want?! That’s why I decided to come to you guys today with 5 different ways you could easily make some quick cash for yourself as a teenager like myself!>>

1) Selling online
 Nowadays, you can simply make money inside the comfort of your own home! With so many websites such as Ebay, Amazon, Etsy,  Threadflip, ExchangeMyPhone and many more, you have a wide range of products to sell and make a good amount of money. Some ideas are clothes, jewelry, phone cases, game consoles, shoes, DIY and crafts and so much more. The only thing is that you must have a bank card and let your parents be aware of what you are doing.

2) Doing Chores
 Doing a few extra chores at home can make you a few extra pounds for pocket money. You've simply got to negotiate and make a contract with your parents including what jobs you'll do, how long for, how often and how much you'll get in return. You could get paid for raking leaves, mowing the garden, washing cars, cleaning the whole house or a section of it for an acceptable price. I know that this way is a lot more hard work but in the long run, it's definitely worth it!

3) Getting Good Test Results!
I actually do this with my mum all the time. So if I've got an upcoming test, I let her know about it and we set a minimum grade boundary. It's usually an A so if I hit it or get higher, she will give me £10. If you don't want actual money, you could agree that they get you something else you want instead. This is also a very good motivation to wanting to achieve better results at school because you know there will be a exiting reward waiting for you if you do well! This way is actually quite easy and if you're a teenager, you're probably still going to school or having some type of education so it's perfect and straight forward! 

4) Online Surveys
 Isn't it amazing that you could actually make some good money with nothing else but your opinion! I mean seriously, you can make like £2 per survey with questions like 'Have you ever heard of River Island?' and 'Which do you prefer, jeans or dresses?' It's ridiculous right! Anyways, there are tons of sites out there ready for you to sign up to and start to earn cash, vouchers, prizes and so much more! Some of them even offer free games for you to play for like a few minutes and it'll earn you points! Check out SwagBucks, Toluna, Vivatic, MySurvey, YouGov and many other options you have and see which one you prefer!!

5) Turn a hobby/Talent Into A Business
My final suggestion is a little bit more creative although you barely see anyone doing it in this current teenage generation. It was a lot more common during the teen lives of our parents and upwards but now, not so much. If there is something you adore doing, or something you're really good at, or something you really love, believe it or not you can still make money out of it regardless. Whether you're a pet lover (pet sit or dog walk), a baby lover (babysit), a intelligent boy/girl (tutor someone), a more active kind (car washing, bike washing, lawn mowing), a great singer or dancer (form a little group with friends or someone and have lessons and stuff). The list just goes on and on and there are so many options to choose from, just find something you really enjoy or love and make you a few quid with it. 

So that's all the ways I thought of in which teenagers like myself (boy or girl) could earn themselves a little extra pocket for those times when you wished you had been saving up, or a real emergency comes up and you're in a sticky situation. I hope you enjoyed and found it useful! Be sure to comment down below if you would like to see similar posts to this!

On an important note, one of my close friends Ella the blog owner of IDKELLA and youtuber of IdkElla has a very similar youtube video on this same kinda topic and I would love if you guys took a moment to go an check it out! While you're at it, please subscribe to her channel and like her videos! You never know, her channel could have things you can relate to or enjoy!! Here's the link to the video:

Thank you so much guys,
Until Next Time, 
Abbie x


  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Loved doing a collab with you, we should definitely do it again in the future!

  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    orrr just get a job haha. Coz none of them have ever really worked for me. I tried the survey thing and you get like barely any money at allll

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Lol true but it's just here in the UK, you can't get a job under 16 so that's why I thought you could find ways to bend around the rules. Some have worked for me but yea!

      Abbie xx

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    cute post! I always did chores when I was younger to get money! I'm currently doing a giveaway on my fashion blog if you'd like to check it out? :)

    The Fashion Road

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thank you! And I'm actually going to try that with my mum lol! About your giveaway, I've already entered and I really hope to win, the boots are gorgeous!!

      Abbie xx

  4. blank

    I love these tips! I'm going shooping at the weekend so i'm doing lots of jobs to earn some money. I think its working ; )
    Great post, x

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thank you Alice, and I totally love the feeling of having more than enough money to spend on shopping!!

      Abbie xx

  5. blogger_logo_round_35

    Oh my god! Thank you for the tips! I need money because i'm broke! I shop way too much. ahaaa xxx
    Great post,

    Karolyne xx

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      ahahaa, your welcome girly!! You're not the only one so don't worry!! And thank you xxxx


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