Sunday, 19 April 2015

5 Quick & Healthy Breakfast Ideas


Hello Everyone, I hope you're all doing well!! You've probably noticed that I haven't been posting as consistently as usual lately but I will be getting back into my posting atleast twice in a week from now on. 

So I totally understand the feeling of not wanting to eat breakfast in the mornings but the reasons vary from person to person so it could it be due to being pushed for time, trying to loose weight, not being bothered to eat, too tired and lazy to prepare food in the mornings or simply not feeling to eat so early.
 Personally, I tend to not eat breakfast because I'm usually running late anyways and I feel like it's too time consuming to prepare food, sit on the dinning table and eat and then have to wash up in school uniform. However, when I do have something in the morning, it's usually like sweets, chocolate, cookies and pretty much the things you're supposed to stay away from before 9am. I am however improving on my time keeping so I'm starting to learn how to manage my time so I'm not running late where breakfast would be the last thing on my mind. 

This is why I thought I would share with you guys 5 healthy breakfast ideas that you could incorporate into your mornings to give you a good boost and kick start energy for the day ahead! 

1. Quaker Oat/ Porridge Oats
 I actually don't mind quaker oats as long as it has sugar in it. It is really filling and is great to last you till the next meal of the day. It usually takes around 4mins to prepare so it's not too long. People also like to put fruit on top such as strawberry, banana, raspberry and apple slices. You could also try raisins if you like.

2. Healthy Cereals
Yes I know it can be hard to opt for healthier cereals when there's things like Coco Pops, Frosties and Rice Krispies but if you are looking for a healthier lifestyle, cereals like Kellog's Fruit n Fibre would be great. Other healthier options are Bran Flakes,Weetabix, Kellog's Nutri-Grain and Muesli. All these would be perfect with just a glass of water or juice in the morning and don't take long to make at all.

3. Whole Grain Toast
Toast is probably one of the most popular breakfasts but to turn the odd toast healthy, use whole grain or brown bread instead. You can try buttering it lightly then putting some banana slices on top or have it with those ham,chicken or turkey slices into it and turn it into a sandwich. However you would like to be creative with your toast, try it out with some slices of whole grain bread.

4. Fruit Salad
This is probably one of the quickest breakfasts if you prepare a big portion of fruit salad the night before then every morning you can put some in a bowl and enjoy away. It is also good to help you get your 5-aday and most fruits taste really good anyway. You can also make yourself a fruit smoothie that you can store in the fridge and pour into a bottle every morning/night if you really don't have time to waste where you can drink it on the go. I actually have a post on a tropical fruit smoothie which I've made.

5.Boiled Egg
Finally, you can decide to start your day with boiled eggs. You can cut it and put it in bread or toast or you can even eat it along with some sweet and crunchy salad. These are just a few ideas but in the end it's up to you! To make things easier, you can boil the eggs the night before then peel and eat the next morning!

So that's all for today, I hope you enjoyed this post and you might have got some inspiration of some quick and easy healthy breakfast ideas. Be sure to leave me a comment of what you think and let me know what you have for breakfast if anything. 


Thanks for reading,
Abbie x


  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    I love this post Abbie! Got to try some of these out
    maya xx

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thank you, and I actually need to aswell! xx

  2. blank

    Great post! I really need to try some of these x

  3. DE-Ug6lXUAAg64B

    great ideas, i love to have oatmeal or avocado toast :)

    danielle | avec danielle

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thank you, and I've never tried oatmeal but the avocado toast sound tastyy!! xx

  4. Vanessa+Du

    I eat a boiled egg every morning. It is very important to have breakfast, even better if you eat it before 9 am.

    ★ ★

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Oh that's good, and thank you for the advice. I will try my best ahaha xx

  5. Vanessa+Du

    I eat a boiled egg every morning. It is very important to have breakfast, even better if you eat it before 9 am.

    ★ ★

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Oh that's good, and thank you for the advice. I will try my best ahaha xx

  6. blogger_logo_round_35

    Just found your blog and I love it! The whole look of it is so proffesional <3
    If you have any tips on blog design please do share them! :) Can't wait to see more posts xx

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Aww, thank you so much! I'm glad you like it. I downloaded my blogger template from a website called Fresh Design Web.. Here's the link:
      The name the one I chose is called Attitude (you'll find it if you scroll down a bit) and I downloaded it for free.You can then go to Layout on Blogger and change things around to make it fit you own personal preference and how you would want it to look. I hope I helped and do leave me a comment if you need any other help or advice!
      Abbie xxx

  7. blogger_logo_round_35

    These are awesome ideas and have definitely motivated me to eat healthier breakfasts!!
    Peace xo

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thanks alot Peace, I'm glad it was useful to you!! xx

  8. blogger_logo_round_35

    Loved this post! I always struggle with breakfasts and always tend to stick to skipping it rather than take the time to think of something then make it! But these are super simple.

    I just finished a blog post where I tagged you to answer a few questions! If you decide to answer the questions, tag me so I can see your answers :)

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Ahaha, I'm just as bad with it myself!
      Also, thank you for the tag, l'll have a look at it now and will tag you after. Tysm xx

  9. Katniss+fan+art1

    Wow... I'm so unhealthy... I wanna get fit for SUMMER!!! AND breakfast is the BEST way to start. I usually skip breakfast, even though it's quite bad, but OMG the porridge oats look SOOOOO GOOD. Will definitely have to try ALL of these. Great post. Any tips of how to get traffic?

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Omg me too!! Really need to start putting some effort in for that summer's beach body ahahaa!! Also, you should really try the porridge oats, I actually quite like it myself aslong as it with sugar. I'm glad you liked the post anyway!! Finally, I think for more blog traffic, its really important to be consistent and have interesting, eye catching and quality content. Also, make sure you actually have interest in what you are writing about and enjoy it because if you don't, it'll usually come through to readers in the post!! Hope I helped, best of luck xxx

  10. blogger_logo_round_35

    Nice information you have provided.
    We have to use healthy breakfast shakes, drinks and protein shakes to make our body strong inside. You can make different recipes using horlicks to make your breakfast more delicious.
    Visit: Horlicks


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