Saturday, 4 April 2015

5 Daily Life Hacks To Prevent Breakouts


Hello Everyone! So today I have another skincare post which I think will be really helpful for a lot of my readers out there, especially us teenagers who are going through puberty and have to suffer the dreadful spots and acne scars that then cause horrible blemishes that take over our young and youthful looking faces! Thanks Mrs Puberty! But don't worry fellow victims, today I have you 5 different daily life hacks which can help to prevent even further spots and stop them getting worse!>>

1. Drink plenty of water!
Yes, I know it can be very hard to opt for water when there are all these other more desirable alternatives such as fruit juices, fizzy drinks  and energy drinks. However, water is very important in pretty much every aspect of keeping healthy. Water helps to clear out toxins in your body, keeps your skin hydrated and maintain clear and supple skin. I like to take a 1litre bottle of water to school and always make sure to refill it at lunch time meaning I will have had 2litres and more(dinner time etc) during that day. To work out how much water you should drink daily, click here to this site

2. Keep Your Hands Away From Your Face 

It can be very comfortable to rest your chin on your palm during those boring math classes or constantly be fussing with your face but little did you know that these habits can actually cause spots due to the oils and bacteria on your hands which eventually build up and get clogged in your pores since we obviously don't wash out faces every 5mins. That is why it is important to wash our faces twice a day to get rid of all the bacteria and excess oils and impurities which is my next tip.

3. Building A Morning & Night Facial Regimen
I actually have a post on my own morning and night facial regimen which you should definitely go and check out here where you'll find how I go about my regimen. It is important that we wash our face twice a day to keep it fresh and vibrant for the morning and to cleanse all impurities and possibly makeup before bed. I would also recommend that you purchase or DIY some kind of exfoliator which helps to remove the layers of dead skin and deeply cleanse our pores. I will be doing a post on how to make your own DIY exfoliator. Also, you must always always moisturize your face after every wash/cleanse because if your face is dry, your skin will be producing even more excess sebum which clogs your pores and eventually cause pimples which is what we're trying to prevent here!!

4. Change Your Pillowcase Often
Over time bacteria, dirt and sweat can build up on your pillow case so it is important to wash your pillow cases and change them maybe once a week or two. A fresh, clean pillow can stop your skin from erupting overnight!

5. Get Your Beauty Sleep! 💤
Sleeping is soo important! I mean, who doesn't like sleeping and lazing around in bed with nothing else to do but relax and kickback? Us teenagers especially should be getting at least 8-9hours of sleep and a little less for adults. Stress can also lead to breakouts so getting your beauty sleep can really save your precious face from getting out of control. 

And that is all the daily life hacks I have for you guys which could help to prevent those unwanted spots! I hope this post was helpful and make sure to comment below what you think and if you have any other tips or tricks that work. Why not check out some of my other lifestyle posts?

My Hair Products Collection 
Healthier Lifestyle // Tropical Fruit Smoothie 
5 Ways To Make Money As A Teenager

Thanks for reading guys,
Abbie x


  1. blank

    Great post! I so need to drink more water as I drink way to much fizzy stuff which is probably causing my blemishes.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thank you Alice. And me too!! Those drinks taste soo good but contain so much junk in them ahahaa!! xxxx

  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hi Abbie,
    I love your blog and have nominated you for the Versatile Bloggers award ( hopefully you haven't already done it! )
    Thank you,
    Ella Xxx

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thank you so much Ella!! Yes, I have done it already before but don't worry, I'll do it again! xxxx

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    Sorry I forgot to put the link in :)

  4. blogger_logo_round_35

    These things will come in really handy because my skin is always having breakouts. Another amazing post Abbie! xx

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Mee too! Thanks Lauren, I'm glad you like it!! xxxx

  5. blogger_logo_round_35

    A very helpful post as at the moment my skin is terrible. Great post. x

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      I'm glad you like it, and thanks a lot xxxx

  6. blogger_logo_round_35

    A very helpful post as at the moment my skin is terrible. Great post. x

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      I'm glad you like it, and thanks a lot xxxx

  7. blogger_logo_round_35

    I learnt something very valuable from that! Thank you
    Peace xo

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      I'm glad you found this helpful Peace, thanks for stopping by xx

  8. blogger_logo_round_35

    Need to try some of these out. Another great post!
    maya xx

  9. blogger_logo_round_35

    I think I need to try some of these, especially the water one (I literally only drink coke and tea) as it sounds like it will really make a difference! Thank you for the tips :)

    Megan x

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      You really should! I've also been trying hard to incorporate some of these into my day to day lifestyle, it can be really hard though. I'm happy you like my post! Xxx


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