Tuesday, 26 May 2015

What's In My DIY Emergency Kit Bag?? ♡

Hii Everyone! So I've finally got around to this post after like 3months that I've wanted to do it! Today I'll be hopefully helping you girls out (this post is mainly targeted at girls but guys can read it too!) by sharing with you something which I find very helpful and that comes in really handy which are DIY Emergency Kit Bags! You may or may have not heard of these before but in this post I'll be explaining what they are; why I like them and what I've put in mine to give you an idea of what you could put in yours (that's if you're interested in making one after reading this post)!>>

So first of all, DIY Emergency Kit Bags are basically mini bags that you can carry all of your toiletries and the essential items you need with you were ever you go. You can fit them in your school bag or the hand bag you are taking out with you. These kit bags come in so handy as it saves you from the frustration of having to look round for things in big bags since they are all in the same place; forgetting to take something important along when switching bags; and simply being prepared for any disasters or emergency that may come your way! So anyways, let's just get right into it!

First of all, you'll need a small-medium toiletries bag or travel sized pouch (big enough to fit everything you may wanna put in, but small enough to fit it your bag and not take up all the space)! These can cost anywhere from £1-£5. (A picture of my one is at the top of this post).

Things to put in ~

  1. Hand & Body Moisturizers: Mini hand and body moisturizers can be life savers when your in a sticky situation. Having white patchy flakes between your fingers and on your legs or arms are not a good look atall! Especially in the summer time when you're most likely not covering up as much with tights, gloves and jumpers, it's always smart to keep some cream with you!
  2. Pads/Tampons: You should never go out without any pads or tampons at hand because you never no when the time of the month could hit you so it's always best to be safe! Even if you haven't started your period yet, you should still carry some with you incase, because that day could be your day and you don't want to suffer an embarrassing moment during an emergency. I always like to keep 2/3 in my kit bag to be safe. Also incase you need to help a friend out!
  3. Lip Balm: This is also an essential item that to keep in your kit bag so that you can touch up during the day when your lips need moisturizing rather than constantly licking your lips and making them worse.
  4. Pocket Sized Tissues: These are very useful for when ever you need to just clean up quickly, especially if no one around has any. You can actually get like 10 of these in a pack for about £1.50 at Boots, Superdrug and most chemists.
  5. Wet Wipes/ Makeup Remover Wipes: Whenever you need to fresh up or wipe of any smudged makeup like eyeliner or mascara, these are great to have around!
  6. Hand Sanitizers: If you've just got your hands dirty or you're about to eat, use hand sanitizers to kill off all the bacteria and remove and clean your hands. Also, I've found that squeezing a bit of this under your nails really cleans all the dirt out and make you nails look fresh and healthy!
  7. Body Spray/Perfume: It's really important for us ladies especially to make sure we are smelling fresh and sweet! I don't know if you can relate but people with really bad B.O is a huge turn off and making sure you smell decent is simply basic hygiene! Also, if you go to school or the gym, it's important to touch up with a quick spray after P.E or gym class.
  8. Mini Mirror: I actually find having a mirror with me quite handy. If you just need to check something on your face, in your eye, up your nose (lol) or wherever, a mirror is just a few seconds away!
  9. Hair Bands/Clips/Bobby Pins: Incase you snap a hairband by accident, loose a booby pin or feel like changing up your hairstyle, you'll have the items you need with you!
  10. Gum/Mints: I cannot stress enough how important a fresh, clean breath is so you must, must make sure you keep some kind of breath/mouth freshener with you! They are also really useful just after lunch and pretty much during the day.
  11. Cotton Buds/Toothpicks: I would say that these are not as important as some of the others but are just little things you might just wanna put in incase.
  12. Spare Earrings/ Studs: You never know, you might lose your earrings or the stud or even forget to wear one so a spare is always good to have.
  13. Spare Change: You might have left your money at home or you really need some extra quick cash so having no more than £5 in your emergency kit bag could be helpful.
So that's all the things that I keep in my DIY Emergency Kit Bag along with some other things you may want to add it! If you want to make this yourself, you can definitely add in other things or remove some things to your preference but this is just a brief list of ideas. You can also put like a few makeup items in there or have that in a separate bag. Other items are mini hairbrushes, medicine, pantyliners etc.

Quick Tips ~

  • Only put stuff you need to find quickly, or almost can't live without so it's not too heavy.
  • Find little containers for things like the pads/tampons, earrings, hairbands etc, so it's quicker to get to.
  • Buy items that are mini or travel sized so you can save space and add more things inside.
And that's all for today! I really enjoyed writing this post and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it! Be sure to comment down below to let me know what you think (I love talking to you guys!) and let me know if you might be interested in making your own Emergency Kit Bag. If you guys wanna know what brands or names of items that I use (for example perfume, lip balms or hand creams) simply ask me in the comments down below!

Thanks so much for reading,
Abbie x


  1. blank

    This is a great post - I found it really helpful and will put together a kit bag soon x

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thanks Alice, I would highly recommend it!! Xxx

  2. IMG_8681

    Great post! I'm basicallychloe xx
    I have read through Yorkshire blog and I love it so much! you're so talented and positive!
    :) ~basicallychloe xx
    Don't forget to smile! :) ~ x
    www.basicallychloeblog.blogspot.com ♡

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thanks so much for the lovely comment Chloe! I'm happy you like my blog, and I'm gonna check yours out in a sec. I'm so sorry I took long to reply but as I said in my latest post, I'm gonna be really busy. Thanks again Xxx

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hey! Ive nominated you for the creative blogger award! Rules and other info on my blog maybabysblog.blogspot.co.uk xx

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hii, I'm so sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the nomination but I've already done the creative bloggers award on a number of occasions. I will be checking out your post on it though. Sorry about that xx

  4. blogger_logo_round_35

    This was a really helpful blog post, thankyou!


    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      I'm glad you liked it Hollie, thanks for stopping by! xx


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