Saturday, 30 May 2015

Quick Update ~ See You Soon ||♥..

Heyy Guys! Today's post will be really short and quick but I just want to let you guys know that I'll be having a little break from blogging for the next 2months or so. Reason is, next week (starting from, the 1st of June), I'm starting my end of year exams and I'm not gonna have the chance to be blogging since I'll be too busy revising! That's also why I haven't been as consistent as usual this past month and towards the end of April. I'm so sorry about this and I really wish it wasn't so but it is what it is and I have no control over it! Another reason is that I'm going on holiday soon so I'll be preparing for that and when I'm off, I wont get the chance to write any blog posts.

Also, just to quickly let you guys know, (although once I'm back to blogging, I'll write up a whole post which is more detailed on it) but I'm going to be starting a Youtube channel!! I'm soo exited about it but don't worry, I'll still be blogging! I've already made the channel but haven't posted any videos yet. I would love for you guys to please subscribe to it to give me a good kick start and boost for when I start uploading videos! It's called StyleMeUnique.. and this is the link to it StyleMeUnique..
I'll definitely subscribe back to everyone. Also, let me know if you have a channel aswell so I can subscribe!

Wish me good luck with my exams and I will see you guys soon in my next post! Make sure to carry on with all of the love and support you guys have been giving me, I really appreciate it and love you guys loads!
In the mean time, go ahead and check out my previous post! I will be replying to all comments etc. What's In My DIY Emergency Kit Bag??

Thanks for reading,
See You Soon,
Abbie x


  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Good Luck with your exams and I will be checking out you're YouTube channel as soon as it's out there.
    Aleeha xXx

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thank you so much Aleeha, I will subscribe back to you Xxx

  2. DE-Ug6lXUAAg64B

    good luck with your exams and channel :)

    danielle | avec danielle // giveaway

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    I'm glad you do, and have a great one too :) xx


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