My DIY Lipscrub!!

Here in London, it is winter and like super, super
cold. It is so inconvenient and just gets in the way of everything! One of the
cons of winter is that your lips start to get indecent and just not pleasant to
look at due to the harsh weather. This is what made me think that it was time
for me to transform my dry, chapped, crusty lips into beautiful, soft, supple and kissable ones! If you want to find out how I managed this, read

1) Start off with adding your sugar into your container, there isn't really a specific measurement but just do whatever you prefer or just what looks right to you. Next you add in the honey and start mixing with a spoon. Now I don't particularly use a lot off the honey but that's just a personal preference. Afterwards add in about half a tablespoon of your oil and finally the lip balm. Mix it all up and add more sugar for a grainier mix or add more honey for a stickier, creamier mix.
2) Finally you put your mixture into small containers (like the one of the right) and place it in the fridge then you are all set!
I used this mixture only 3 times in one week and I got fab results! The great thing about this is that it is edible so I suppose it's a win win; luxious lips with a yummy mix. You can never go wrong! So I hope you guys enjoyed this post and you would like me to post more fun DIYs like this in the future. I would love to know in the comments down below. Thanks guys, ILYSM xxxx
Oooh thanks for this! I'm going to give it a try tomorrow! My lips definitely need it. Great post! X
My pleasure!! You should definitely try it, it works wonders!! Im telling you!! Thank you so much for stopping by, have a great day and feel free to share with me your results xxxx
DeleteThank you so much for the nomination, I will definitely check it out xxxx
ReplyDeleteMy lips are in need of a little love this winter so will try this 😄
ReplyDeleteAhahahaa, lool your not the only one. And yea I highly recommend it,Im glad you like it and I would love to hear your results!! Thanks and enjoy your day xxxx