Sunday, 25 January 2015

Grow Longer & Fuller Eyelashes/Eyebrows DIY


Hii Guys!! Welcome back to my blog! As you can tell with the title, this DIY is for those of you who want to grow your eyelashes longer and your eyebrows much fuller. Before discovering this DIY and making it my own, I used to sometimes do the vaseline method which my friend told me about but it didn’t really work for me that much and I just sort of got bored of it. Now I will share with you guys my new discovery which works wonders for me!>>


For my mixture, I use castor oil, almond oil and vitamin e oil. You can alternate the versions/brands you use if you would like to. You will also need either a mascara wand (one that's clean) but a cotton bud will also do. You can also use your fingers if you want. 

Process: Mix equal parts the the castor oil and almond oil together in your container. Now with the vitamin e oil, if you have the capsules use as many as you like (I use about 20) but if you have the oil already, mix an equal part of it too.

Application: Simply dip your wand/cotton bud into your mixture and apply it to your eyelashes as if you were applying mascara. You don't need too much but make sure you get both your top and bottom eyelashes. For your eyebrows, just smooth it over an that's it! You want to do this every night before bed and you should start seeing clear obvious results! 

This DIY was a really quick and easy one but it works really well for me! I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I would really love to hear your results so please feel free to share them with me in the comments below!! Also, if any suggestions of DIYs that you woul like me to share, be sure to let me know also. Thank you so much for reading. 

Mwuah xxxx


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