Monday, 30 March 2015

Hair Products Collection


Hello guys! You’ve probably noticed that I am slowly getting back into my natural hair posts but I just feel like it’s been a while and I miss talking about it! So today’s post is just a quick hair product collection of all the products I use on my hair. It is also kind of a mini review on all the products but I hope you enjoy!>>

1. Shampoo ~ Head & Shoulders Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

This has kind of always been my staple shampoo mainly because that's always in the bathroom because my mum uses it. I still wouldn't change for a new one since it simply does the job. I still use it although it's a sulphate shampoo because I don't wash my hair too often so when I do use it, it really removes all the product build up, dirt, and grime. It isn't that costly (around £2) and you can pretty much get it anywhere like Superdrug, Boots, Chemists or hair shop. 

2. Conditioner ~ Tresemme Naturals Coconut & Jojoba 

I got this conditioner about 6months ago and I honestly adore it. It gives my hair so much slip and makes detangling a whole lot easier. I would totally recommend it to anyone regardless of your hair type. It also smells really nice and is  pretty moisturizing. I got it on a sale at Superdrug for half price at £2.50. The normal price is usually about £5 but it's regularly on a sale at many shops. I honestly love this conditioner and I'm not thinking of changing at this time being. I also always follow up with this after every shampoo.

3. Deep Conditioner ~ Cantu Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque 

I am quite guilty of not deep conditioning as much as I should be but I have used this deep conditioner once since I have bought it. I have actually done a product review of it here. Overall, I had a good experience with it and it is loaded with a lot of natural and hair loving nutrients! It is sooo moisturizing and makes your hair feel ridiculously soft and manageable! I bought it at Paks Hair & Cosmetics for £5.50. I think it's pretty pricy for such a small amount but it's definitely worth it. I aim to do a deep condition at least every 2months depending on what type of style my hair is in.

4. Leave-in Conditioner ~ African Pride Shea Butter Miracle Leave in Conditioner

My goodness! This product honestly does perform miracles! I absolutely love it for it's amazing detangling properties. Literally, I section my hair and apply the creamy based consistency of leave in onto my hair (not scalp) and comb through. Every knot and tangle will have disappeared instantly. I really do love this product and it is only £2.79   at  Paks. The only thing is that I cannot risk using it alone for moisturizing because my hair becomes dry like after 10mins. This is why I incorporated it into my LOC Method which you can check out right here.  

5. Oils

So for oils, I have my KTC Coconut Oil which I also got from Paks for £2. I always, always use this oil for my hair and even on my skin. It has so many benefits and is overall is an amazing oil (it is also one of the few oils that actually penetrate the hair shaft and work from within). I use it both on my scalp and actual hair.  As a little DIY thing, I made my own oil mixture of Castor oil,  Almond Oil and Vitamin E oil which I also sometimes apply to my hair and scalp and in the night time my edges. 

6. My DIY Shea Butter Mix

So this is another DIY that I done and I use it as the cream part of the LOC Method which you can again read about here. I also have a post of how I made it  here. Overall, I am pretty pleased with the results this gives me and it does really keep my hair moisturized and sealed for long. When I use this on wash day, I simply work it through my strands and especially on my ends. I don't really focus on my scalp with it. The shea butter and castor oil in it does have that raw smell but apart from that I really like it and it really smooths and softens my hair.

So that's the end of this post guys! That is all of the products that I use on my hair and I am pretty pleased with all of them at the moment. If any changes, I will definitely update you guys on it. Please comment down if you like this post and would like to see more of similar ones! Also, what hair products are you guys currently using that you are in love with? Be sure to let me know! Thank you for reading guys..

Why not check out some of my other hair related posts:

*Finally, if you look back to my other recent posts (e.g click here), you will see that the font is very different to this one but I just felt like changing things up a bit. Because I don't want my blog page to look messy and all over the place I would love for you guys to please comment down below on which one you prefer, looks nicer or is just easier to read so that I can edit all my posts to be the same one.* Thank you so much guys, LYSM

Abbie x


  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    I use that coconut oil too! I'm looking for a new conditioner too so I might buy the Tresemme one plus it's cheap, great post Abbie :)

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Yeaa coconut oil is amazing!! And yea, you should definitely try it, and make sure to try get the naturals one (Tressemme Vibrant Naturals) Thanks for stopping by xxx


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