How To Grow An Inch Of Hair In 7days!

Step 1: Place an oil of your choice into some hot water and let it
sit until the oil is pretty warm. You can use any type of oil but here are some
examples; olive, coconut, jojoba, castor, grape seed, peppermint, rosemary,
almond, avocado etc.
Step 2: Either with an applicator bottle or simply your fingers,
work the oil through your entire scalp while massaging it in a sort of circular
motion. Whatever you use, just make sure that you are massaging as this will
increase the blood flow in your scalp.
Step 3: Now for the crucial part of this whole
process; what you do is you invert your body (an example of so in the diagram
to the right) for no more or less than 4mins. Other suggested positions which work just as well are:
sitting on a couch or something and lowering down your head slightly towards
your feet as if you’re painting your toenails or standing and leaning over a
sink with your head tilted over. I personally like to do the sitting method but
all of these positions work just as well if you flow the right steps.
Step 4: Allow the oil to sit on your scalp for
at least 2-3hrs. Others like to co-wash their hair afterwards to remove any
excess oil, however this is completely optional. Personally, I don't bother
with co-washing afterwards unless I do this method as a pre-poo.
Step 5: Repeat this method every
day for ONLY 7 DAYS and make sure to wait at least 3weeks between each
attempt. Step 6: Good Luck & Enjoy Your New Growth!!❤
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