Thursday, 26 February 2015

Follow Me On Bloglovin'

Hii everyone!! So today’s post is super short but I just want to let you guys know that my blog is on bloglovin’ and I would really, really appreciate if you guys follow me and save my posts. It would really mean a lot to me and I will most definitely follow everyone back and save your posts also. Me and my friend made an agreement that once I hit 700 followers on bloglovin’ and my blog becomes very well established and developed, I will start a youtube channel and she and many of all my other friends will be in the videos too! I agreed to the deal and I am soo exited to start! I absolutely love watching youtube videos so I thought making my own videos will be really fun and enjoyable too!I am currently at around 300 followers which I am really grateful for but I have a very long way to go lol. If you don’t currently have an account to bloglovin’ it is really easy to make and all you need is an email and password. In case you don’t actually know what bloglovin’ is, it’s simply a blog discovering page where you are updated with all your favourite blogger post you are following, ad your own blog to it and save your favourite posts on it etc Here’s a link for you to create an account: here . I would really recommend it to you guys it’s fab! So I hope this is not too much to ask from you guys and I really hope you guys go out your way to help a sister out here!! Thank you so much in advance,
Abbie x


  1. abrilponce_img01

    congratulations! your post is one of this pinterest party features, please add our featured button to you sidebar, and come back to link up again with us!!

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thank you so much!! I will email you shortly!! xx

  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    Love Your Blog Abbie!!!!! Followed You On Bloglovin xxx

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thank you so much! Yours is amazing also. I have also followed you back!!
      Abbie xx

  3. Vanessa+Du

    Hi, thank you for following my blog!
    Hope you launch your Youtube channel soon!
    Please check out my Pinterest as well:

    ● ●

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      You're very welcome, and I am starting to get nervous as my followers slowly creep up but thank you anyways! I definitely will check out your Pinterest aswell! Thanks for stopping by,
      Abbie xx


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